Tag Archives: money

Healthy Weight?

I’m seriously trying to eat healthier this year, after a long series of occasional half-assed attempts & fleeting fascinations with nutrition info in the past. I recently discovered the  Dr. Oz show too, which is now one of my favorite parts of day time TV.

We’ll see how this goes… heh, no but for real, so far.. not so bad. So who knows, this might actually be real progress, or so I hope. But yeah, either way it’s worth putting in the effort, cuz’ I’ve been spending a little too much money on vending machines & eating out in recent times, & there are a couple pieces of clothing I’m not ready to let go of simply cuz’ they don’t fit so nice anymore.

Now, being the neurotic numbers nerd that I am, I’ve found this BMI Calculator at the National Heart Lung & Blood Institute’s website handy, & possibly a little more trustworthy than others. However, we still know what they say, for a more acurate depiction consult a physician, did I mention I need to save money though?

Anyway, I’ve seen friends try the South Beach Diet, Weight Watchers, or just simply go vegan, & I’ve observed mild success as well as unenviable failure. As for me, I’ve pretty much concluded that there are only two food rules that work for me, especially if this is going to be a lifestyle change, & those are: that it’s not what I eat, it’s how much I eat (cuz’ there are certain guilty pleasures I doubt I’ll ever have the discipline to quit) & that variety’s the spice of life, I love the adventure of trying some new foods, & that’s probably my best chance at rounding out the load of vitamins & minerals we’re all supposed to be getting as well, right? & Please, if there’s something delicious you know of that you’re not sure I’ve tried, feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments.

ten thousand cents


a $100 bill redrawn in 10,000 pieces


religion, terrorism, myths, politics, money…


stuff to think about

Gloria Steinem

turns 75 today, born in Toledo, Ohio, U.S.A. 
a journalist, and a feminist, she helped found Ms. Magazine

“Happy or unhappy, families are all mysterious. We are all mysterious. We have only to imagine how differently we would be described – and will be, after our deaths – by each of the family members who believe they know us.”

“We need to remember across generations that there is as much to learn as there is to teach.”

“It’s an incredible con job, when you think of it, to believe something now in exchange for life after death. Even corporations, with all their reward systems, don’t try to make it posthumous.”

“The future depends entirely on what each of us does every day; a movement is only people moving.”

“Hope is a very unruly emotion.”

“It is more rewarding to watch money change the world than watch it accumulate.”

“The authority of any governing institution must stop at its citizen’s skin.”


a website I joined a few months ago, based on the exchange of questions and answers about practically anything, the question can be posed in a variety of ways: yes or no, rate this, poll the crowd, how many, have you ever,  which is better, would you rather, or free poll, the more a member participates the more points she/he earns, the website has a really nice, sleek design, though is a little slow to load/acts a little funky at times, it’s free to join, questions are categorized by “scene”: Re: Create (arts & entertainment), The Counter Culture Café (culture), Schooled (education), Eco-Mania (environment), Perks (family), Thrive (health & fitness), Yes And Know (life), Cashet (money), Daily Dispatch (news), The Supposium (opinion), Canvass (politics), Sublime (relationships), Nexus (science & technology), The Bazaar (shopping), Scoreboard (sports), Turnstyle (style), Broadcast You (television), Travelcade (travel), & Wis.dm Town Hall (wis.dm itself), the website was developed in of Massachusetts, U.S.A., but is registered on the web under the country of Dominica for the sake of the url address: http://wis.dm

Slumdog Millionaire

a 2008 movie set in Mumbai, India which follows the young lives of two brothers, Jamal & Salim, and a girl, Latika, through quests for money and love, intense yet poetically beautiful


a 1976 movie, a movie which I watched a little while ago, fictionally based on the UBS television network at the time, to be considered a classic, in my opinion, & not just for “I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take it anymore” – Howard Beale (character played by Peter Finch)

other main characters: Diana Christensen (played by Faye Dunaway) & Max Schumacher (played by William Holden)

satirical enough not be taken as seriously morbid or disturbing (or perhaps contrariwise, as exactly that), it still makes one think, about TV & how money makes the world go ’round, & does slightly put us on our guard, &/or make us wonder what can be done for the better, the frequent rapid dialogue and fervor of the characters in the film make it run along quite entertainingly

after all is said & done, if the movie does in fact strike sever angst in some of us, it is notable that it is from the middle of the 1970s, & the attitudes & concerns expressed then are similar to ones now, over three decades later, so I wouldn’t be predicting a dooms day of sorts (the dawning of the programming era, & the end of humanism) just yet, however there is plenty of room for improvement on TV.

Where’s George?

http://www.wheresgeorge.com is a USA currency tracking project

I’ve been registering dollars on the site every once in a while for almost 3 years now, & so far my money has gone on to at least 13 states: North Dakota, South Dakota, Illinois, Minnesota, Montana, Arizona, California, New York, Georgia, Texas, Michigan, Wisconsin, & Missouri. The places I’ve intercepted marked bills from would create a different list though.