Tag Archives: mystic

The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test

by Tom Wolfe ( 1968 )

“And it is an exceedingly strange feeling to be sitting here in Day-Glo, on poor abscessed Harriet Street, and realize suddenly that in this improbably ex-pie factory Warehouse garage I am in the midst of Tsong-Isha-pa and the sangha communion, Mani and the wan persecuted at The Gate, Zoroaster, Maidhyoimaongha and the five faithful before Vishtapu, Mohammed and Abu Bakr and the disciples amid the pharisaical Koreish of Mecca, Gautama and the brethren in the wilderness leaving the blood-and-kin families of their pasts for the one true family of the sangha inner circle – in short, true mystic brotherhood – only in poor old Formica polyethylene 1960s America without a grain of desert sand or a shred of palm leaf or a morsel of manna wilderness breadfruit overhead, picking up vibrations from Ampex tapes and a juggled Williams Lok-Hed sledge hammer, hooking down mathematical lab drugs, LSD-25, IT-290, DMT, instead of soma water, heading out in American flag airport coveralls and an International Harvester bus – yet for real! – amid the marshmallow shiny black shoe masses – ”

taken from pages 30-31 (at the end of Chapter 3: The Electric Suit)

a sentence, give-or-take a fragment, from this book that I’m currently reading